Chloe’s First Birthday

The Clutters just moved to Atlanta recently but they seemed right at home in Piedmont Park for our photo session. The occasion: baby Chloe’s upcoming first birthday (check out her second outfit)!

It was a great pleasure working with a family so comfortable and relaxed in front of the camera. I quickly realized that Chloe found me to be less interesting than the park’s dogs, ducks and turtles. She quickly came around, however, and was hamming it up for the camera in no time. Happy birthday, Chloe!

  • Jeanne Pieczarka

    The pictures are beautiful. Chloe is her usual smiling, happy self. Miss seeing you guys.ReplyCancel

  • Rolanda Gray

    Wow! What a cutie PIE! I Love that Bday outfit! Little Diva for sure!ReplyCancel

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